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Buddywatch app是苹果智能手表APP应用

软件Tags: Buddywatch工具

  Buddywatch app是苹果智能手表APP应用,Buddywatch app用户可以高权限的自定义表盘,Buddywatch app也可以下载其他人设计的表盘使用。


  Buddywatch app是苹果第三方手表社区平台,Buddywatch app里有丰富的手表种类,每一款手表都有不同的含义,用户可以自由定制属于自己特色的苹果手表,自定义颜色、图案等,非常酷炫,方便用户分享和下载表盘。













更新日志v4.0- Added new faces
- Fixed some bugs
Thank you for using Buddywatch - Watch Faces!v3.9Hey Buddy!
Here's a new amazing update for Buddywatch!
There's nothing new right now, but we use magic powder and other wizard stuff to make the app even better and bug-free!
(You hate bugs, so we hate them too)v3.8.5Hey Buddy!
Here's a new amazing update for Buddywatch!
There's nothing new right now, but we use magic powder and other wizard stuff to make the app even better and bug-free!
(You hate bugs, so we hate them too)v3.8.1Hey Buddy!
Here's a new amazing update for Buddywatch!
There's nothing new right now, but we use magic powder and other wizard stuff to make the app even better and bug-free!
(You hate bugs, so we hate them too)v3.7.2Hey Buddy!
Here's a new amazing update for Buddywatch!
There's nothing new right now, but we use magic powder and other wizard stuff to make the app even better and bug-free!
(You hate bugs, so we hate them too)v3.7.1Hey Buddy!
Here's a new amazing update for Buddywatch!
There's nothing new right now, but we use magic powder and other wizard stuff to make the app even better and bug-free!
(You hate bugs, so we hate them too)v3.7"Which watch face matches my new band?"
Buddywatch has the answer!

Say “hi” to the new search band feature. Discover amazing watch faces starting from a watch band.

Buddywatch: even more your Apple Watch stylist!v3.2.4

Welcome to Buddy Shop!

Discover and buy amazing watch bands while downloading gorgeous watch faces from our community!
The best Apple Watch bands store experience ever created: right on your favorite Apple Watch companion app!

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