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  • 分类:生活软件
  • 大小:68.8M
  • 语言:简体
  • 版本:v5.47.2
  • 时间:2024-05-04 18:36:41
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.yeziduo.com
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:IOS
  • 标签: SpareRoom生活

软件Tags: SpareRoom生活












更新日志v5.47.2In this update, we've made numerous behind-the-scenes changes in preparation for things that will be released in the coming weeks and months. We've also made many improvements to the posting of Room Wanted ads — making it quicker, easier and more user-friendly.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on these changes and about other things we can do to improve.v5.47.1In this update, we've made numerous behind-the-scenes changes in preparation for things that will be released in the coming weeks and months. We've also made many improvements to the posting of Room Wanted ads — making it quicker, easier and more user-friendly.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on these changes and about other things we can do to improve.v5.47In this update, we've introduced basic profiles for room seekers. It's a way for you to tell other users on SpareRoom — particularly those advertising a room or property to rent — a bit more about you and your search (e.g. occupation, gender, moving from date, length of stay). It's optional but highly recommended.
If you've not created an account, you'll see it after you register. If you've already got one, you can complete and/or edit your basic profile from the Settings screen.v5.46.1In this update, we've completely reorganised and redesigned filtering for room and property searches — listing them by category and introducing a few new ones too.

We've also made further improvements to posting ads. It's now much easier, quicker and user friendly to advertise your room wanted search. We’ll be making even more improvements to this part of our app in the near future. Stay tuned!v5.46In this update, we've introduce two Home Screen widgets. One of them helps you stay up-to-date with your most recent unread messages. The other displays the latest flatsharing tips, advice and fun stuff from our blog.

We've also introduced beta testing using Apple's TestFlight. By tapping the link for it on the Account screen, you'll be able to access the latest features and bug fixes before they're released as App Store updates.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on these changes and anything else you think we should do to further improve our app.v5.45In this update, we've improved the usability of posting ads for rooms and editing ads for rooms and whole properties. You'll find it much easier to specify details about the rooms available in your property and who you're looking to share with.

We've also made a number of user experience improvements across the entire app — including a revamped light mode colour scheme for better text legibility and many wording updates for better readability and comprehension.v5.44.2In this update, we've completely redesigned many screens relating to the posting and editing of ads for rooms and whole properties. You'll find it much easier and quicker to specify details about you, your property, its rooms, their availability, and any existing flatmates.
You'll also see that we've made significant improvements to the uploading of photos — allowing you to batch select them, upload more of them than before, add captions, and rearrange them.
We've also introduced tips for what to photograph and what to write in your ad description. In coming weeks and months, you'll see even more improvements to the posting and editing ads.
We've also made numerous under-the-hood improvements (including full support for iOS 15), fixed bugs, and introduced a few visual tweaks.v5.44.1In this update, we've completely redesigned many screens relating to the posting and editing of ads for rooms and whole properties. You'll find it much easier and quicker to specify details about you, your property, its rooms, their availability, and any existing flatmates.
You'll also see that we've made significant improvements to the uploading of photos — allowing you to batch select them, upload more of them than before, add captions, and rearrange them.
We've also introduced tips for what to photograph and what to write in your ad description. In coming weeks and months, you'll see even more improvements to the posting and editing ads.
We've also made numerous under-the-hood improvements (including full support for iOS 15), fixed bugs, and introduced a few visual tweaks.v5.44In this update, we've completely redesigned our ad cards. Accompanying large photos, you'll see key information about the ad presented in a way that's clear and easy to scan.

You'll also see significant improvements to featured ads management. In addition to a much more helpful set-up experience, you can now automatically top-up your funds when they're running low so that your campaign doesn't get interrupted.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the things we can do to improve our app. You can get in touch using the feedback option on the Home screen.v5.43.5In this update, we’ve introduced two new options to conversations. You’ll see notes can now be added to them. Only you will see what you've written though. You'll also be able to add labels. To get you started, we’ve included a set of our own — like Suitable, Maybe, Viewing Arranged, & Waiting for Paperwork — but you can add others too.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the things we can do to improve our app. You can get in touch using the feedback option on the Home screen.v5.43.4In this update, we’ve introduced two new options to conversations. You’ll see notes can now be added to them. Only you will see what you've written though. You'll also be able to add labels. To get you started, we’ve included a set of our own — like Suitable, Maybe, Viewing Arranged, & Waiting for Paperwork — but you can add others too.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the things we can do to improve our app. You can get in touch using the feedback option on the Home screen.

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